Ref: Model A-5 - Differentiel

Liquid/liquid differential pressure sensor - ±3.5 bar to ±50 bar - 0.5

  • Measuring range: 3.5 bar to 50 bar
  • Accuracy: ±0.50 %.
  • Output signal: 2 mV /V
  • Type of measurement: differential
  • Media: all gases, all liquids compatible with surfaces Overload: 150% * Hydraulic connection
  • Hydraulic connection: 1/8-27 NPT (2) or 7/16 in - 20 UNF
  • Electrical connection: Bendix 6pin or cable
  • Construction: 17-4 PH stainless steel
  • Waterproofing: up to IP68
  • Frequency response: 300Hz to 3kHz depending on the type of electronics

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The Model-A-5 strain gauge liquid/liquid differential pressure transducer is designed to measure the pressure difference between two liquid measuring points up to +/- 50 bar. The sensor's rugged design is suitable for the most demanding industrial and scientific applications:

  • 17-4 PH stainless steel
  • Overload protection
  • Temperature range: -54 to 121°C Each is bi-directional and

Total accuracy is 0.50%.


Configuration options include:

  • Extended operating temperature range
  • Electrical connection (connector or cable)
  • Amplified output (5 Vdc or 10 Vdc and 4 mA to 20 mA)
  • Most amplified models have internal shunt calibration circuits as a standard feature to facilitate sensor configuration on the acquisition system.
  • SI version


  • processes
  • oil and gas
  • packaging
  • pumps and compressors
Differential pressure
Measuring Range
< 100 bar
Precision (max error)
0.5 %
Nonlinearity (% FS)
± 0.25 %
Température de fonctionnement
-54 to 121 °C
Sortie analogique
analog (mV/V), analog (Voltage), analog (Current)
Tension d'alimentation
10 Vcc
Protection Class

  • Extended operating temperature range
  • Electrical connection
  • Amplified output (5 Vdc or 10 Vdc and 4 mA to 20 mA)
  • Display
  • Hydraulic port adapter
  • Conditioner

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