Ref: TJE

Absolute pressure sensor - 0.1% - 70 mbar to 4100 bar

  • Measuring range: 70 mbar to 4100 bar
  • Accuracy : 0.1 % * Output signal : 3 mV /Volt
  • Output signal: 3 mV /Volt
  • Type of measurement: gauge or absolute
  • Media: all gases, all liquids compatible with the sensor material Overload: 150% * Hydraulic connection
  • Hydraulic connection: 1/8 NPT F
  • Electrical connection: PTIH-10-6P or equiv. (hermetic stainless)
  • Internal construction: 17-4 PH or 15-5 PH (> 130 bar)
  • Option: amplified output
  • Intrinsic safety option

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The TJE absolute pressure transducer is a fully welded stainless steel transducer designed for rugged industrial applications that require high accuracy and stability of measurement. Pressure ranges are from 35 mbar to 4000 bar. The TJE sensor uses 350 ohm strain gauges mounted in a full bridge configuration. Accuracy is 0.1%, and the sensor can be used in any compatible liquid or gaseous fluid that may come in contact with the sensor surface (17-4 PH or 15-5 PH).


Configuration options include:

  • Extended operating temperature range
  • Electrical connection
  • Amplified output (5 Vdc or 10 Vdc and 4 mA to 20 mA)

Most amplified models have internal shunt calibration circuits as a standard feature to facilitate sensor configuration on the acquisition system.

The TJE absolute pressure sensor is offered in 2 versions:

  • "Gauge" version: the pressure measurement is made with the atmospheric pressure as reference. It allows to have an offset independent of the environment
  • Absolute" version: the measurement is made with a fully welded vacuum cavity as reference, which increases the long term stability.


  • Process engineering
  • Chemicals
  • oil and gas
  • packaging
  • pumps and compressors
High accuracy, Absolute / Relative
Measuring Range
< 1 bar, < 100 bar, < 1000 bar, > 1000 bar
Precision (max error)
≤ 0.1 %
Température de fonctionnement
-50 to 120 °C
Sortie analogique
analog (mV/V), analog (Voltage)
High Accuracy
Tension d'alimentation
10 Vcc
Protection Class

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  • Extended operating temperature range
  • Electrical connection
  • Amplified output (5 Vdc or 10 Vdc and 4 mA to 20 mA)
  • Hydraulic port
  • Display
  • Conditioner
  • Hydraulic adapter

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